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Students walk across the quad in autumn.

其中四所学校提供学分课程,可以获得两年制副学士学位或证书,这些证书可以转到四年制大学,或者为你立即进入职业生涯做好准备. 不要让你的职业和个人发展止步于此. 继续教育和劳动力发展学院的课程和证书课程可以帮助你开始职业生涯, 推进事业或从事个人发展. 我们国家认可的课程和创新教学将帮助您实现您的目标, 因此,了解更多最全菠菜网在任何年龄、任何职业和生活阶段为您提供的服务!

School of Business and Law

商业和相关学位是高等教育中最受欢迎的研究领域之一. 组成AACC商法学院的许多课程将为你转入四年制大学做准备, 进入职场或提升你的知识和技能,以便在工作上取得更大的成功.

Within our school, you'll find Business Administration (accounting); Business Management (including Transportation, Logistics and Cargo); Economics; Entrepreneurial Studies Institute; Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute (including Law Enforcement); and the Legal Studies Institute.



继续教育和劳动力发展学院将我们团结在一起的是对持续成长和改进的热情. 我们在这里帮助你寻找一份新工作,提升你的职业生涯,学习一项技能或探索一个新的爱好. 真正的终身学习意味着寻找挑战和磨练我们的机会, 激励我们设定并实现我们的目标.

Within our school you'll find: Adult Basic Skills and ESL; Apprenticeship and Applied Learning; Corporate Training Group; Correctional and Continuing Education; Cyber and Technology Training; Hotel, 烹饪艺术与旅游学院(HCAT), 终身学习(包括在大学的孩子).


School of Health Sciences

As a community leader, 我们相信,安妮阿伦德尔县及其他地区的居民应该得到训练有素的卫生专业人员的最佳护理. 如果你认为这个快速发展的领域适合你, 健康科学学院是一系列与健康相关的学位和证书的所在地,这些学位和证书可以为你的职业生涯或转学到四年制大学甚至更远的地方做准备.

Addiction Counseling; Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic; Human Services; Kinesiology; Massage Therapy; Medical Assisting; Medical Coding; Medical Laboratory Technician; Nursing; Personal Trainer; Phlebotomy Technician; Physical Therapist Assistant; Practical Nursing; Public Health; Radiologic Technology; and Surgical Technology.


School of Liberal Arts

今天的组织都在寻找善于沟通的员工, 有创造力的思考者和愿意合作的人, 这些都是你在文理学院学到的技能. 如果你认为自己是一个自由思想者,并被“为什么”这个大问题所驱使, what and what if, this is the place for you. 文理学院的学习为你提供了一个通用的知识基础和高等教育的坚实基础, 你也可以在这里找到表演和视觉艺术.

Within our school you'll find: Academic Literacies; Achieving College and Career Advancement; Communications; English; History, Political Science and Philosophy; Interdisciplinary Studies (African-American Studies, American Studies, and Gender and Sexuality Studies); Mathematics, Performing Arts (Dance, Music and Theater Arts); Psychology; Sociology, Anthropology and Geography; Visual Arts and World Languages (including American Sign Language).

Learn about the School of Liberal Arts.


在我们这个科技发达的社会, 未来属于那些能用科学技术解决关键问题的人. 从网络安全到可持续建筑, environmental science to engineering, 许多发展最快、就业前景最好的行业都在STEM领域, which you’ll find in the 科技与教育学院.

Architecture and Interior Design, Astronomy, Biology/The Environmental Center, Chemistry, Computer Technologies, Computer Science and Web Technologies, Cybersecurity, Networking and Digital Forensics, Database Administration and Foundation, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)应用程序, Engineering, Mechatronics, Physics, Physical Science, Sustainable Energy Systems, STEM中心(National STEM Consortium and Regional STEM Center)和教师教育 & Child Care Institute.
